Easeus 9.2
Easeus 9.2

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And the Kremlin's cruelty only underscores Ukraine's need for a stronger, layered ground-based air defense architecture." In recent weeks, Russia has intensified its sordid bombardment of Ukrainian cities and infrastructure. "And this contact group will continue driving hard to help Ukraine defend the skies. "One of Ukraine's most urgent requirements is ground-based air defense," Austin said. Many countries stepped up to close those gaps. The group also discussed critical capability gaps that Ukraine is faces, the secretary said. Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov briefed the contact group members on the situation in Ukraine and about the follow-on requirements that Ukraine's defenders will need in the weeks and months ahead. "I came away from today's meeting as confident as ever in the contact group's resolve and sustained unity." "Today, we committed to doing even more to support Ukraine's fight for freedom," Austin said. Contact group members have also trained thousands of Ukrainian service members in these new capabilities. The group of nations has delivered air defense systems, armored vehicles and large quantities of ammunition. The military training and security assistance the contact group has delivered, coupled with the incredible bravery and resourcefulness of the Ukrainian people, has been decisive, so far, both men said.

Easeus 9.2