Weapon Sling (Personalized) - If you have a blacksmith's hammer in your inventory while crafting, you can also make a custom sling reserved for your own preferences (if you are using v0.2d+, customization can be made via the MCM).
Do not use this weapon sling if your character is not using the proper XPMSE version! Compatible with dual sheaths. Will work with any custom weapon configurations set by the RaceMenu by Expired.
Weapon Sling (Well Fitted) - This may also spawn as the player's default weapon sling if Groovtama's XPMSE v2.60+ is installed (is also craftable at a tanning rack).
Uses a custom arrangement, combining the belted quiver with the back one-handed swords.
Weapon Sling (Belted Back Armory) - Compatible with dual sheaths.
Uses the default back one-handed sword arrangement.
Weapon Sling (Dual Back Scabbard) - Compatible with dual sheaths.
Uses the default belted-quiver arrangement.
Weapon Sling (Belted Quiver) - Compatible with dual sheaths.
Uses the default dual sheath arrangement.
Weapon Sling (Dual Sheath) - Compatible with dual sheaths.
Will only apply physics to vanilla-type weapon positions.
Weapon Sling - The default weapon sling.
When crafting the sling item, you will be presented with several options of which type to craft: The weapon sling allows bouncy HDT physics to unequipped/sheathed weapons when worn. You can craft a Weapon Sling item at a tanning rack for 3 leather strips and 1 iron ingot. This mod allows bouncy HDT physics to unequipped/sheathed weapons.